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Ministry Team

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After Kaylen received his call to ministry at Camp Glisson his junior year of high school, he attended LaGrange College where he majored in Religion with a focus in Church Leadership. He completed his studies at LaGrange in 2011, then on to Candler School of Theology graduating in 2014 with his Masters of Divinity.

A few years after receiving his call to ministry at Camp Glisson, Kaylen met his future wife, Allison there. They dated throughout college and his seminary years, and were married October of 2014. 

Kaylen began his ministry at 19 and has served as Student Pastor of Ball Ground UMC, Associate Pastor of Glenn Memorial UMC, and Pastor of Midway UMC in Auburn, GA. He was ordained as an Elder in full connection June 13th at annual conference. 

When not at the church, Kaylen can be found somewhere enjoying a cup of premium coffee, working on a woodworking project, at a baseball game, or on the golf course.


Director of Children's Ministries


Mary King is a native of Pine Mountain, GA. She and her husband, Jason, have 3 daughters.

Mary King has served as the Director of Children's Ministries for several years and is also the Director of Noah's Ark Child Enrichment Center at First United Methodist Church.


Director of Youth Ministries

Laura was called to Children and Youth Ministry 6 years ago while volunteering with her sons group. She began her ministry at Trinity UMC as Director of Children’s Ministry. Shortly after she added youth ministry to her responsibilities. With the growth of both programs, she focused her concentration to Youth Ministry. Prior to Ministry, she was a stay at home mom to 2 boys, Owen and Peyton.

Laura is a native of Harris Co and met her husband, Don, while they both attended Hardaway High School. Both Laura and Don have deep roots in the Columbus and Harris Co areas.

Laura spends her free time with her children, husband and extended family. She loves to to spend time at Lake Harding boating and kayaking and soaking up the sun.

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Director of Music Ministries


Rose has been involved in music much of her life--beginning at the age of 7 with piano lessons. She has a BS degree from East Tennessee State University (organ performance) and MM degree from the University of North Carolina Greensboro.  She has served churches - Protestant and Catholic - in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia and has taught fourth grade and music in public and private schools. She and her husband, David, live near Ellerslie in Harris County.


David has had careers in chemistry, psychology, and is now a tree farmer. Rose and David have 2 children - a son, Richard, an aerospace engineer working for NASA, and a daughter, Tammy, a physician in Greensboro, NC.  They also have 3 granddaughters.



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